This is the third blouse I've made, and favourite so far -
McCall's 5471. I used a brown pinstriped cotton I got for a bargain $2.50/yard in Portland, and some unplanned satin trim to cover up a hole I very stupidly cut in the blouse while trimming. I added more trim to the sleeves and used it for the button loops so it wouldn't look out of place. In the end, it was a happy accident because I like how the trim turned out... but I wouldn't recommend you go cutting holes in your blouses. Also, I think I've finally gotten the hang of button holes!
Also included is a jean skirt that I sewed side panels into because it was too small (but on sale for $10!). Remember when it was cool to do that to your jeans? Or was that just me?

(As a bonus, the blouse matches those brown tights I bought in Portland to keep from freezing to death)
Yay for happy accidents!! The blouse turned out awesome!
As for the panels, I never added anything to any of my clothes, 'cause I'm just not that cool, but it definitely looks good on your skirt!
Oh, and headless pictures? That's so very Broadie... :p
In my defense, the last one was cropped by the camera and there was nothing I could do about it :p
*random stalk*
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